New Employee Checklist

Before You Start
- Contact or 785-864-4946 to reach Onboarding Center staff.
- The KU HR Onboarding Center is located at 1246 West Campus Rd, Carruth O’Leary Hall, Room 101, Lawrence, KS.
- Flexible and Remote Work
- KU IT (desktop support, applications, and access)
- Ergonomics
After your start date (Week 1 & 2)
- Health Insurance
- Options Available
- How and when to enroll
- Optional Group Life Coverage
- Retirement program information
- Available Leave Programs
- Wellness Programs/Resources
- Other Benefits
- Learn about communication tools & technologies used
- Team introductions
- Learn more about your unit’s visions and goals and how they align to the “bigger picture” – University’s strategic plan
- Access to specific systems, drives and tools
- Understand absence and leave policies and the communication requirements around them
- Confirm work hours and location schedule (if hybrid)
- Discuss internal training process and/or mentor assignment
- Review job description, begin goal plan discussion
- Learn about the unit’s climate and how employees stay connected and engaged regardless of work location
- Identify who to go to for questions, assistance and support
- IT Security
- Sexual Harassment and Prevention
- Reporting Time and/or Leave
- Payroll Calendar
- Employee Self Service - Personal Details
- Pay Advice
- Address Changes
- Disclosure & Other Updates
- When will I get paid and other payroll related Q & A
First 30-60 Days
- Outline Expectations and Goals
- Confirm preferred method for reporting updates (i.e., meetings, emails, reports).
- Identify Regular Meetings.
- Discuss training concerns, challenges and/or successes.
- Understanding the evaluation process
- Timeline
- Goal Setting
- Competencies
- Evaluations
- Probationary
- Annual
- New Faculty Orientation
- Training & Development
- Faculty Learning Circles
- MyTalent
- KU LPE Programs
- Staff Development Programs
- Coaching